Metro South Health

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Metro South Hospital and Health Service is the most populated health service in Queensland, and is the major provider of public health services, health education and research in the Brisbane south side, Logan, Redlands and Scenic Rim regions. Metro South Health is made up of five major hospitals in addition to a number of community health centres and dental clinics throughout the region. Our hospitals include: Beaudesert Hospital, Logan Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital and Redland Hospital. Each and every one of our 15,000 staff work towards delivering excellence in health care, and in the kindest way possible. Metro South Health ICAREĀ² values of Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Engagement and Excellence, shape our culture within Metro South Health. Our values guide our day-to-day decision making and are fundamental to what we care about as a health service, how we behave, how we interact with each other and provide care to the many patients who come through our doors every day. We employ diverse clinical and non-clinical staff right across our service from pathology to administration support services, patient liaison to operational patient support services, medicine to nutrition and nursing to maintenance. We pride ourselves on providing a work environment that is safe, satisfying, flexible, and promotes a healthy work-life balance with competitive remuneration packages and excellent employment conditions. We also play a key role in education and research, with strong links to the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University and several other academic institutions.

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Metro South Health's headquarter address
Line 1: queensland au
Metro South Health's industries
Hospitals and Health Care
Metro South Health's technology
healthcare research maternity biomedical mental health dental clinicians teaching programs allied health nursing digital hospital
People working at Metro South Health
Christopher Edwards, MBA, FAICD, PMI-PMP, RMP, PBA
Non Executive Board Member
Queensland, Australia
Steven Jennings
Executive Director Procurement and Supply
Queensland, Australia
Sabina Patrik
Strategic Procurement Manager
Queensland, Australia
Areti Gavrilidis
Director, Research Development, Ethics and Policy
Nicola Dymond
Chief Operating Officer Metro South Health
Matthew Jones
Senior Director Digital Architecture and Delivery Office
Queensland, Australia
Stephen Canaris
Senior Director - Office of the CIO
Queensland, Australia
Sophie Carter
Information Technology Project Manager
Queensland, Australia
Joel Davison
Director, Health Safety and Wellbeing
Queensland, Australia
Cameron Ballantine
Chief Information Officer
Queensland, Australia
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