MHA Technologies Inc.

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• MHA Technologies Inc. provides the Government and Government contractors with data science and analytics solutions for the exploitation, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of data. The solutions enable mining and automatic detection of features, threats and anomalies to render raw complex data into easy to interpret actionable information. • MHA assists with development, acquisition, test and evaluation, process improvement and training. • MHA Technologies has over 20 years' experience in raw data analysis, algorithm development, signal and image processing, computer vision, chemometrics, CBRNE, feature extraction, pattern recognition, data fusion, statistical data analysis and interpretation, and Research and Development (R&D) cycle.

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MHA Technologies Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 4031 university dr, fairfax, virginia 22030, us
Line 2: 4031 University Drive
MHA Technologies Inc.'s industries
defense & space
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People working at MHA Technologies Inc.
Adel Slamani, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer and Principal Scientist
Fairfax, Virginia, United States
p kumar
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