Mind Training

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Transform your teams: better communication, less stress, higher productivity - book your free discovery call here 🎯 🎯 We are a young training and development company, focusing on communication and stress management. Our most popular training, which we deliver mostly in Europe, is the Process Communication Model ® (PCM). PCM is an applied psychology evidence-based behavioural tool used by NASA, Clintons, and several big corporate brands to improve self-awareness, build trustworthy relationships, manage conflicts and develop teams. It can help you spot distress cues and respond with behaviours that invite a person back to their positive characteristics. The other important tool we are using to support our clients is Applied Neuroscience 🧠. We offer workshops on subjects such as: ✔ The Neuroscience of Stress and Resilience ✔ Building Focus and Cognitive Performance ✔ The Neuroscience of Trust and Human Connection ✔ The Neuroscience of Well-being ✔ The Neuroscience of Connection and Communication ... and are happy to create bespoke sessions based on your company's needs.

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