MMG is a full-service global health communications group that specializes in patient recruitment and retention. Our mission is to improve healthy behaviors through public health awareness campaigns and to help advance science by accelerating participation in clinical trials. As part of the Omnicom Group and Omnicom Health Group, our global reach extends across 77 countries in 700 locations. Our clients range from high-profile biotech and pharmaceutical companies and government agencies to local start-up groups and small research and advocacy organizations. We are privileged to be the patient recruitment group for the National Cancer Institute's more than 150 intramural clinical research studies. At MMG, we invest in our staff who in turn invest in our mission, and we take pride in the steps we have taken to advocate for health since our founding in 1987.

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MMG's headquarter address
Line 1: 700 king farm boulevard, rockville, maryland, united states
Line 2: 700 King Farm Boulevard
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ASP.NET Bootstrap Framework Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft-IIS Mimecast Mobile Friendly ON24 UltraDns iCIMS reCAPTCHA
People working at MMG
Ann Kottcamp
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Michael Rosenberg
Vice President, Strategic Development
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Carrie Swallow
Director Of Client Services
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Thomas Jenkins
Chief Architect
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Deondai Randolph - Colquitt, MBA
Director of Outreach
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Chafika Chamas
CEO & Founder
Tiffany Groller
Sr. Project Director
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Kate Clarke
VP Finance
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Treva Thrush
Outreach Manager
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Jamie Goldfarb
Sr. Project Director
Rockville, Maryland, United States
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