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We are sustainable thought leaders. We're here to share our journey of intentional living to women who appreciate and desire the same way of life through self-care habits, style, beauty, home and traveling. MNMALism is for the everyday person who wants to live in the present at all times. We offer impactful ways for our audience to free up time in their lives so that they are able to focus on what really matters in their lives. Committing to a minimalist lifestyle is not only about creating, developing and investing into your life it's about discipline. When you can discipline the small aspects of your life - you will be able to improve other areas of your life. The reason we (natalie and xiavanna) know this works is because we've actually applied this way of living to our own lives and we recognize the amazing benefits of doing so. We have created 6 steps that lay a solid foundation to living a sustainable way. From that foundation we educate our audience on building from the ground up and improving their lives.

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Line 1: san rafael, ca 94903, us
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People working at MNMAL
Alhaji Mziray
Team Lead Manager
San Rafael, California, United States
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