Monarch Social Media

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Everything that we do begins and ends with strategy. We don't just post content for the sake of posting. We create and follow editorial calendars that are regularly updated and informed by social media trends and your monthly analytics report. We work closely with your team to determine the call to action to convert your leads into clients. It's easy for us to feel disconnected while online. Organic Community Management is a tactic that we utilize to add a human element to your brand. Social media never sleeps and our team is here to answer common questions while providing support with respect to your brand and its followers. We use engagement strategies while our skilled community managers grow social media communities with targeted and authentic interactions. Social media is a monster that you have to feed consistently with content and while the platforms are easy enough to use, we are aware of the challenges that come with posting regularly. Our content creators are experts at coming up with original and engaging social media posts that fit your specific brand strategy.

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Monarch Social Media's headquarter address
Line 1: Etobicoke, On
Monarch Social Media's industries
marketing & advertising
Monarch Social Media's technology
CloudFlare Hosting Cloudflare DNS Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Squarespace ECommerce TikTok reCAPTCHA
People working at Monarch Social Media
Holly M.
Chief Executive Officer
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Dessy Pavlova
Operations Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
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