Mongo Fund, LLC.

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Founded in 2021, Mongo Fund is a student-run investment fund at Columbia University registered in the State of New York with 50,000+ USD assets under management. To provide its members with hands-on equity investing and trading experience, Investments are made in both the derivative trading and equity investment sectors of the fund. The fund's equity investment group primarily focuses on the Consumer Products & Retail industry in the United States as well as in East and Southeast Asia markets. The primary focus of its trading group is on the U.S Stock Options.

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Mongo Fund, LLC.'s headquarter address
Line 1: new york, ny
Mongo Fund, LLC.'s industries
investment management
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Mobile Friendly Squarespace ECommerce Typekit
People working at Mongo Fund, LLC.
Bonny Quan
New York, New York, United States
Sangmin Lee
Co-Founder, Portfolio Manager
New York, New York, United States
Joshua Wong
Managing Partner
New York, New York, United States
Wesley Choi
Managing Partner
New York, New York, United States
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