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We created Monittor to solve the industrial equipment sector's biggest pain point: Finding a way to effectively connect with customers online to sell aftermarket parts and service. We are a technology company launched by a team of water industry experts with decades of experience, who have experienced this same challenge, as well as served customers who demanded we address it. Our mission is to add value to the customer experience post-equipment-install and all the way through product end of life. To put it simply, we give Manufacturers the fuel and online tools they need to help their customers manage the mission-critical equipment running onsite.

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Monittor's headquarter address
Line 1: san diego, ca
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computer software
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People working at Monittor
Noemi Kis
Founder, CEO
Carlsbad, California, United States
Debbie Montano
Executive Account Management
Carlsbad, California, United States
Chardynne Concio
Technical Designer
Carlsbad, California, United States
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