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Moventum Asset Management S.A.
Moventum Asset Management is a Luxembourg based Management Company, which is regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg Financial Supervisory Authority). It operates in accordance with chapter 15 of the law of 17 December 2010 (UCITS) on undertakings for collective investment. We offer complete management company solutions, including portfolio management, fund administration and risk management for Luxembourg based UCITS funds.
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People working at Moventum Asset Management S.A.
Carsten Gerlinger
Managing Director; Head of Asset Management
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Wlodzimierz Ksiazak
Conducting Officer, Head of Fund Services & Risk Management
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Markus Patzelt
Head of Legal and Compliance
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Sascha Werner, CFA, CAIA, FRM
Head of Product Management, Asset Management
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
claude welter
Application support officer
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Uta Dietrich, CFP
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
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