My Sky Technologies Pty. Ltd.

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My Sky Technologies flagship product is portable fire-and-forget counter drone technology which is based around a multi spectrum next generation sensor suite that incorporates multiple passive targeting technologies. My Sky are ramping up a design and production facility for super-fast military drones in Adelaide and will produce miniaturised detection, targeting and tracking sensor.

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My Sky Technologies Pty. Ltd.'s headquarter address
Line 1: level 1, 2 king william street, adelaide, south australia 5000, au
Line 2: 2 King William St
My Sky Technologies Pty. Ltd.'s industries
aviation & aerospace
People working at My Sky Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Steve Auch-Schwelk
CEO and Drone Sensor Product Architect
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Peter Cassidy
Chief Technology Officer
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Olivia Cox
PR & Communications
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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