N+M DesignWorks

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N+M DesignWorks is a creative business based on the digital fabrication of sustainable furniture. born out of a desire to create beautiful objects with as little impact to our environment as possible. With this in mind, we are extremely conscious about where our materials come from . We also offer a full CNC service including, consultation and problem solving, 2D and 3D CAD design and both 2D and 3D machining. Since opening our doors, we’ve been committed to providing service of the highest quality, paying particular attention to working efficiently while keeping the lines of communication with our clients clear and concise. Our mission at N+M is simple: to provide high-quality services in a timely manner. Our team caters to each project’s specific needs to ensure excellence. We hope you’ll find what you’re looking for. For more information or general inquiries, feel free to get in touch today.

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Line 1: bristol, united kingdom, bs4 4bj
Line 2: Lichfield Road
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Glen Mcdouall
Manya Gupta
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