Nabha Power Limited (Wholly owned by L&T)

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Nabha Power Limited, wholly owned by L&T, operates the Supercritical Thermal Power Plant at Rajpura in Patiala district of Punjab. It is the lowest-cost source of quality electricity amongst all thermal power plants for the state of Punjab. It is engaged in propelling the commercial and industrial growth of the state by providing reliable and uninterrupted electricity. The thermal power plant with a low heat rate and low cost of power generation has also driven large-scale transformation for energy conservation by applying efficient technologies. These have made Nabha Power one of the most eco-friendly power producers, a feat duly acknowledged by the Punjab Energy Development Authority (PEDA). It has also bagged more than 30 prestigious national and international awards in the energy sector. Notable among these are the "National Energy Conservation Award" by the Ministry of Power, "National Energy Leader Award" and "Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award" by CII. Standard & Poor's Global Platts Energy Excellence Award" recognised NPL as the finalist. Through backward and forward integration in CSR, Nabha Power has also anchored a socio-economic ecosystem in more than 49 villages of Patiala and Fatehgarh Sahib districts by implementing various corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. It has also won the National Golden Peacock Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award 2020 under the Power Generation Category.

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People working at Nabha Power Limited (Wholly owned by L&T)
Manoj Jha
Head IT/ CIO
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Suresh Kumar Narang
Chief Executive Officer
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Alok Gupta
Head Of Information Technology
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Amol Godbole
Senior Purchasing Manager
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Deputy General Manager Operations
Nitin Pandey
Head CSR
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Sushil Kumar Kansal
Information Technology Project Manager
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Sharad Kumar, CPP®
Senior Manager Security Operations
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Subrahmanyeswara Rao Movva
Chief Financial Officer
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Sandeep Goel
DGM O&M (Head Mech. Maintenance Turbine & BOP)
Rajpura, Punjab, India
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