National Association For the Blind (NAB)
We help the visually impaired in Karnataka become socially and economically independent thus creating a bright future for them and their families. Mission: Make Visually Challenged People Equal Member Of Society NAB-K is an NGO registered under Karnataka Societies Act 1960-S No.367/78-79. Since 1977, we have helped the visually impaired in Karnataka become socially and economically independent - thus creating a bright future for them and their families. We train the visually impaired to hold a white cane for Mobility and Use a computer keyboard for Information Technology. A voluntary organization like NAB-K will be able to help the visually impaired persons only with the donations from well-wishers like you. All our services to the visually impaired persons are free of cost Goals: 1. To make visually challenged self reliant in mobility 2. Basic Education to visually challenged 3. Training in vocational skills 4. Vocational skill training to educated visually challenged 5. Training visually challenged in Technical Skills 6. Training visually challenged in Information Technology 7. Rehabilitation of visually challenged of rural areas in Karnataka. 8. Assist visually challenged in seeking / getting suitable earning opportunities. 9. Project Jyothi: to Eradicate curable Blindness – to achieve the goal of vision 2020. Our programs include: 1.Community Outreach: Reaching out to the visually impaired - rural and urban. 2.Prevention of Blindness: Eye-camps, medical treatment and visual aids. 3.Inclusive Education: Enabling visually impaired children attend regular schools 4.Foundation Course: Counselling, Training in Mobility, Braille and Life Skills 5.Employability Skills: On-the-Job vocational training as required by the Industry. 6.Self-Employment/Placement: Enabling economic self-sufficiency