Naturalia Sintesi UK-Ireland

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NATURALIA SINTESI has debunked the myth that sees science and nature as an antithesis to each other. From the effective combination of nature-inspired knowledge and scientific innovation, we have developed unique products, treatments and protocols that are sold to salons across Italy and London. Treatments can be provided by professional beauty technicians and can then be continued at home with our home care sets. Founded more than 40 years ago, over the years our team has used their pharmaceutical know-how, applying it to the professional beauty industry to develop unique cosmetics and treatments that combine science, senses and nature, offering quick and lasting results. We have taken the company to national and international markets in cosmetology, professional training and anti-age treatments. The partnership with Niccolò Cusano University shows Naturalia Sintesi's passion for scientific research; a passion that was able to bring to life an incredible synergy. So welcome to NATURALIA SINTESI'S world: where tradition and innovation, science and nature, precision and creativity meet, and where the winning formula has always been people and the incredible harmony stems out when ambitious visions merge under the same fire of passion. All our products are 100% Made in Italy.

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Naturalia Sintesi UK-Ireland's headquarter address
Line 1: 77 marsh wall, suite 220, south quay building, london, england e14 9sh, gb
Line 2: 76 Marsh Wall
Naturalia Sintesi UK-Ireland's industries
health, wellness & fitness
Naturalia Sintesi UK-Ireland's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager MailChimp Mobile Friendly Shopify Shopify Product Reviews Woo Commerce YouTube reCAPTCHA
People working at Naturalia Sintesi UK-Ireland
Antonella Romeo
Managing Director's assistant
Edmondo Noviello
Direttore generale
Alberto Cerva
Salvatore Nalbone
Web/IT Manager | Web Developer | Seo Specialist
London, England, United Kingdom
Antonella Romeo
controllo gestione- assistente ufficio marketing
Sofia Caselli
Social Media Assistant
London, England, United Kingdom
Naturalia brugnolo
responsabile ufficio acquisti
Rudaba Zaman Raya Syeda
informatore cosmetico
London, England, United Kingdom
Daniela Albanese
Addetta Ufficio Tecnico/Regulatory
Remona Smith
London, England, United Kingdom
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