NBK Wealth

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Watani Investment Company KSCC ("NBK Capital"), a leading investment management firm in the region, sets the standard in growth-focused innovative financial products and services. A world-class investment house, NBK Capital's customer-centric approach provides forward-thinking solutions that address the specific investment needs of clients and investors, institutional customers and high-net-worth individuals. NBK Capital leverages local and regional experience and expertise by combining the strengths, resources and global network of the National Bank of Kuwait, one of the largest and oldest financial institutions in the country, with best-in-class investment structuring and execution, on a broad array of financial strategies to consistently deliver integrated value-added solutions. Innovative products, creative thinking, timely implementation and excellence in service are the standards of quality that have recently earned NBK Capital numerous internationally acclaimed awards including: • "Best Asset Manager in Kuwait for the Year 2017" by MENA Fund Manager • "Equities Manager of the Year 2016 – MENA" by Global Investor • "Deal of the year 2016 – Bonds: Corporate Winner – Middle East" by the Banker Magazine and the Financial Times Group • "Best Investment Bank in Kuwait – 2016" by Euromoney Awards of Excellence • "Best Asset Manager in Kuwait for the Year 2015" by Global Investor • "Best Investment Bank in Kuwait of the Year 2015" by Euromoney Awards of Excellence In addition, MENA Fund Manager awarded NBK Gulf Equity Fund, managed by NBK Capital, "Best 3-Year Performance for GCC Equity fund with assets above USD 30 Million", and NBK Kuwait Equity Fund, managed by NBK Capital, "Best Kuwait Equity" for the Year 2017. These highly acclaimed accolades are a testament to the ethos of the organization as an expertly informed and customer service-focused leader in the market. Operating regionally from Kuwait, Dubai, Istanbul and Cairo, and with over 170 investment professionals, NBK Capital prides itself on a reach and scale that is global, a presence that is regional and a service level that always remains personal.

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NBK Wealth's headquarter address
Line 1: floor 38 - arraya tower 2 - al shuhada street - sharq p.o. box 4950 safat, kuwait city, al asimah governate, kuwait
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People working at NBK Wealth
Pierre Abou Khalil
Head Of Human Resources
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Abdulsamad Alsarraf
Vice President - Brokerage Operations
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Karen Gomes
Director of Human Resources
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Aisha E. Alsayegh
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Shadi Khadder, FRM, CFA
Head of MENA Asset Management
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Nabil Maroof
Chief Executive Officer
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Dr. Hervé Salanga Ile
Global Head of Manager Selection and Research
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Latifah Al-Sayed Omar, PHRi
Manager - Talent Management
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Alia Abou El Fath
Head of Corporate Communications | Director NBK Capital
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Dr. Ahmed Mokhtar
Managing Director
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
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