NEC Corporation

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NEC is a Japan-based multinational information technology company that manufactures and distributes computer peripherals, IT infrastructure and networking products.

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NEC Corporation's headquarter address
Line 1: 7-1, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8001, JP
Line 2: 1
NEC Corporation's industries
information technology & services
NEC Corporation's technology
Adobe Marketing Cloud Adobe Media Optimizer Apache Atlassian Cloud Bing Ads Bootstrap Framework Brightcove DoubleClick DoubleClick Conversion DoubleClick Floodlight Eloqua Facebook Custom Audiences Facebook Login (Connect) Facebook Widget Google AdSense Google AdWords Conversion Google Analytics Google Dynamic Remarketing Google Font API Google Maps Google Maps (Non Paid Users) Google Plus Google Remarketing Google Tag Manager Linkedin Login Linkedin Marketing Solutions Linkedin Widget Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly MouseFlow Omniture (Adobe) Outlook Pardot SOASTA Salesforce SuccessFactors (SAP) Tealium Twitter Sharing Yahoo Ad Manager Plus Yahoo Analytics YouTube Zencoder reCAPTCHA
People working at NEC Corporation
Takayuki Morita
President and CEO (Representative Director)
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Rony(ロニー) Taluqdar(タルクダル)
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Patrick Lopez
Global VP Product Management - 5G
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Akin Okvur, PMP, ITIL, MBA, SA SAFe 5
Director - Operations and Service Delivery - ICT and Safer Cities
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Managing Executive Chief Architect
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Masamitsu KITASE
Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Business Development Division
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Ganesh Balasubramanian
Global Vice President 5G
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
David Cohen
Head of Global Marketing - 5G Solutions
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Liesle Botha
Head of Cloud,OSS,BSS & Biometric Sales
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Kim Fischer
Head of Finance Transformation
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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