Neda Pool & Spa

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Neda is a company with more than 30 years of experience, dedicated to the integral swimming pool service. Trained by professionals with extensive experience in the sector, Neda provides comprehensive solutions in swimming pool construction, water treatment, maintenance and repairs, with the best technical and human means. Mission To create wellness spaces, tailored to the needs of each client. Customized Service We have several specialty stores with qualified staff to meet with proximity, expertise and flexibility to the needs of our customers. Wide Range We provide integral solutions to perform all phases of the project and to manage the entire facility lifecycle. We have available a wide range of equipment, accessories, chemicals, spare parts and related products for public and private swimming pools. Top Quality We provide quality projects, guaranteed by ISO 9001 certification. We collaborate and advise architects, technicians and builders to get the most professional and integrated swimming pool in large and ambitious projects. Professional Demands In the professional field, we collaborate with businesses such as hotels, campsites, rural homes or spas and provide the necessary technical support to guarantee the water quality and to ensure that the facilities are in perfect working order. Our services: o Free water testing service in our specialised shops. o Design and construction of swimming pools, spas, saunas and wellness centers. o Installation service for water treatment equipment and technical assistance. o After-sales service for repair and maintenance of equipment. Our internal requirements demand constant innovation, energy saving and the functionality of the spaces to make possible the creation of efficient, unique and exclusive spaces.

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Mateu TurrĂ³ Ortensi
Process Advisor
Mont-ras, Catalonia, Spain
Alex Corcoy
Store Manager
Margarita Pnl
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