Nested Ventures

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Nested Ventures is an impact venture group providing collaborative innovation, catalytic funding, programs and innovative ecosystem solutions that deliver equitable and multiple benefits to all stakeholders. We find the most promising advanced and disruptive renewable technologies and work with our portfolio companies and partners to fund, develop and scale successful projects and businesses. Nested Ventures is a multi-pronged organisation developing its own projects and providing technology pathways for pre-revenue companies. We focus on emerging disruptive technologies that drive larger and faster impacts speeding up the transition to cleaner energy, substantial emission reductions, carbon sequestration, and a circular economy. Nested Ventures operates in global markets applying a focused portfolio of technologies addressing difficult impact challenges whilst sourcing opportunities for off-takes, distribution, project development and investment to drive growth for its portfolio companies, stakeholders and investors, as well as support base-of-the-pyramid equity. We design and build catalytic programs that are structured with the capability to impact and help manage our varied ecosystems positively and safely through emerging disruptions. The main activities of the group: 1. Investment Advisory; 2. Solution Design and Deployment; 3. Business Management and Consulting; 4. Catalytic Funding, Programs and Ecosystem Solutions; 5. Disruptive Technology Risk Management.

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Line 1: London, GB
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People working at Nested Ventures
Kevin W.
Co-Founder / Country Head - Canada
London, England, United Kingdom
Subir Gupta
Co-Founder and Global Venture Lead
London, England, United Kingdom
Alison Hughes
Co-Founder Nested Ventures
London, England, United Kingdom
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