Net Zero Zeal

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The effects of climate change can no longer be undermined or neglected. Ignorance is no longer an excuse for inaction. Net Zero Zeal (NZZ) is here to provide updated/insightful information on issues with regard to UN SDG 13, particularly with respect to Net Zero targets. NZZ Key Features • 10,000+ public and private entities assessed to date with our Scientinzz Rating • Updated weekly with Accountability Monitoring (CAM) Technology • Greenwashing-Proof Conditional Impact Assessment Net Zero Zeal Assessment Process NZZ utilises in-depth scientific expertise in climate finance, climate science, financial data science, and AI to assess Net Zero targets of publicly and privately owned corporations, multilateral development banks, sovereigns, supranationals, subnationals and any other relevant entity in terms of their long and short term scientific robustness. Through its conditional nature, NZZ's Scientinzz method is furthermore able to assess crucial aspects of organisational decision making such as the Intentionality of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions or the Additionality of GHG removals beyond the required rate of reductions. AI based Continuous Accountability Monitoring (CAM) technology enables the NZZ team to review 10,000+ entities every week and update their Scientinzz scores as necessary. NZZ'S USE CASES FOR EVERYBODY 1. Climate Transition Progress Review 2. Economic Benchmarking 3. Stakeholder Activism 4. Systemic Risk Analysis NZZ'S USE CASES FOR INVESTORS 1. Asset Allocation 2. Bondholder Pre-Issuance Engagement 3. Climate Transition Benchmarking 4. Fund Monitoring 5. Paris-Aligned Benchmarking 6. Portfolio Construction 7. Product Development 8. RfP Due Diligence 9. Security Analysis 10. Shareholder Voting & Engagement

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Net Zero Zeal's headquarter address
Line 1: björklundabacken 10, gothenburg, vastra gotaland county 436 57, se
Line 2: 6 Björklundabacken
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civic & social organization
People working at Net Zero Zeal
Inès Kompalitch
Head of Climate Transition
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden
Zoe Zeal
Co-Chief Executive Officer at Net Zero Zeal
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden
Zach Zeal
Chief Executive Officer
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden
Zina Zeal
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden
Zhenjia Zeal
Chief Sustainability Officer
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden
Sejmolo Hujmina
Project Manager
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden
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