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## Our core business We manage linux / unix server infrastructures and build the efficient and secure networking environments using hardware cutting edge technologies suited to the needs of the project and the client. We believe in quality, opposed to quantity. Our company consists of highly qualified, experienced people, who share a common passion of both server and network infrastructure management. ## Our principles We stated basic principles, that we see as crucial in successful delivery of a stable and secure network environment project: • we tend to give client what he needs, not what he wants • we believe in open communication with client • client is not our enemy • "strict" is for corporations, we believe in "flexible" • teamwork - share victory, share defeat ## What we do best We specialise in linux / unix server and large network environments management. We think, that every need deserves a custom solution, as in most of cases it is cheaper and easier, than a ready solution with after-integration pain. We deliver individual solutions, that best fulfill need of our clients. The impact is put always on high quality and technological innovation of the project. ## Technologies we use We use a set of technologies we think are best suitable for big projects and those we have experience with, although we do not limit ourselves to them only. We constantly seek for new horizons, new trends and test them, so when they become mature, we can make use of them in our work. Network Security Solutions is always in search of new possibilities. ## Our offer Linux / Unix servers and network Router / Switch management, from big complicated environments to smaller ones. We offer hosting on our servers as well as the ability to manage servers from our customers. We provide 24/7/365 monitoring for customers whose services we manage.

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Freelancer's headquarter address
Line 1: Suwalska 19/1, Poznan, Wielkopolskie 60-461, PL
Line 2: 19 ulica Suwalska
Freelancer's industries
Computer and Network Security
Freelancer's technology
Apache Google Analytics Google Tag Manager
People working at Freelancer
Kyle Sponable
Information Technology Consultant
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Sivan Nativ
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Kyle Dowley
Information Technology Consultant
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Güngör Alaçam
IT Manager lt EXpert MSCA
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Tomasz Kirsz
Unity| Unreal Developer, IT Consulting, IT Specialist, Project manager
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Gonzalo Almada
Fullstack - .NET/NodeJs Development Engineer
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
James Norman
Freelance IT Consultant
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
David Solnař
freelance consultant, DBA, analyst, programmer
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Samah Elmahdy
Freelance English-Arabic-English Interpreter
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Noemi Kinsey
Graphic Designer
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
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