New_ Public
New_ Public is a place for thinkers, builders, designers, and technologists to meet, share inspiration, and make better digital public spaces. It's a newsletter, magazine, and community wrapped together, supported by the team at Civic Signals. Civic Signals started when co-founders Eli Pariser and Talia Stroud asked themselves what healthy societies need from digital spaces — not just in terms of harms, but in terms of the public goods they provide. The ethos of digital public space can inform the design of existing digital platforms, but more importantly, we think they can inspire and shape the new platforms that will rise up in the years to come. This may seem like a new challenge, but we've come to believe that it's not dissimilar from another set of problems that societies have been wrestling with for millennia: how to build healthy, flourishing civic spaces in the real world. ++ Civic Signals is a partnership between the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas, Austin and the National Conference on Citizenship, and was incubated by New America.
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