Newgen Software

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Newgen Software is a globally recognized provider of Low Code Automation Platform for Digital Transformation. The company has been recognized by distinguished analyst firms including Gartner, Forrester, Frost and Sullivan, and IDC. It has been positioned in the Magic Quadrants for Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Customer Communication Management (CCM) and BPM-Platform-Based Case Management frameworks. Newgen is certified for ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001:2013, CMMi Development (v1.3) Level 3 and CMMi Services (v1.3) Level 3. Newgen has wholly owned subsidiaries across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates & Singapore.

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Newgen Software's headquarter address
Line 1: a-6, satsang vihar marg, new delhi, delhi, in, 110 067
Line 2: A - 6 Satsang Vihar Marg
Newgen Software's industries
Software Development
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People working at Newgen Software
Tarun Nandwani
Chief Operating Officer
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Virender Jeet
Chief Executive Officer
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Rajvinder Kohli
Sr. VP Sales - Digital Process Transformation Platform
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Anand Raman
Chhavi Tiwari Sood
GM - Integrated Marketing & Demand Generation
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Hemant Makhija
VP of Marketing
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Anurag Shah
Vice President, Head - Products and Solutions
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Krishnakumar R
Vice President & Head, Australia & NZ
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Atin Kumar
Vice President Of Software Development
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Balaji Chikrale
Business Head
New Delhi, Delhi, India
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