Newham Health Collaborative Ltd

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Newham Health Collaborative Ltd (NHC) is a newly formed GP federation representing all the GP practices* within the Newham CCG borough boundaries. This covers a population of approximately 400,000* patients. Our purpose is to improve the health and well being of our population of Newham patients, and to support the quality and sustainability of our GP practices. Our values and objectives are closely aligned to those of the NHS. We are established as a limited company, wholly owned by all our 48* GP practice members. Our intention is that any surpluses we produce will be re-invested to support improvement of primary care or provide additional services for patients. Our Board is made up of Directors, representing the Primary Care Networks across Newham, and is supported by a small executive team. Even though the practices will collaborate more closely within NHC, each GP practice remains an independent entity for the delivery of its core primary care services (GMS, PMS or APMS), and come together within NHC to share resources and contract for services outside those core responsibilities.

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Newham Health Collaborative Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: 5 station street, 2nd floor, stratford, london e15 1da, gb
Line 2: 5 Station Street
Newham Health Collaborative Ltd's industries
hospital & health care
Newham Health Collaborative Ltd's technology
Google Font API JQuery 1.11.1 Mobile Friendly OneTrust
People working at Newham Health Collaborative Ltd
Karen Livingstone
Chief Executive Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Shahbaz Bhutta MBA FCCA
Director of Finance and Contracts
London, England, United Kingdom
Durga Vaddi
Primary Care IT Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
Rachel Ashworth
Senior Newham PCN Transformation Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
Marrianne McFarland, FCIPD
HR Business Partner/Lead
London, England, United Kingdom
Jennifer Kumi
Primary Care Programme Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
Isaac Edughele
Head of Planned Primary Care
London, England, United Kingdom
Paula Beare
Director Of Patient Services
London, England, United Kingdom
Lara Verderio
Clinical Pharmacist
London, England, United Kingdom
Helen Page
Director of Health Improvement and Recovery
London, England, United Kingdom
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