Nikko Asset Management Group

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With US$219.2 billion* under management, Nikko Asset Management is one of Asia's largest asset managers, providing high-conviction, active fund management across a range of equity, fixed income, multi-asset and alternative strategies. In addition, its complementary range of passive strategies covers more than 20 indices and includes some of Asia's leading exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Headquartered in Asia since 1959, Nikko Asset Management and its subsidiaries employ personnel representing around 30 nationalities, including approximately 200 investment professionals**. The firm has a presence through subsidiaries or affiliates in a total of 11 countries and regions. More than 400 banks, brokers, financial advisors and life insurance companies around the world distribute the firm's products. The investment teams benefit from a unique global perspective complemented by the firm's historic Asian DNA, striving to deliver consistent excellence in performance. The firm also prides itself on its progressive, solution-driven approach, which has led to many innovative funds launched for its clients. For more information about Nikko Asset Management and to access its investment insights, please visit the firm's homepage. * Consolidated assets under management and sub-advisory of Nikko Asset Management and its subsidiaries as of 30 June 2023. ** Including employees of Nikko Asset Management and its subsidiaries as of 30 June 2023.

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People working at Nikko Asset Management Group
Yukitoshi Akao
Global Head of IT
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Aria Goudarzi
Global ESG Data & Reporting Lead
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Zhehao Jiang
VP, Group Manager of IT Development Group
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Stefanie Drews
President, 代表取締役社長
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Kwame Anokye
Head of Enterprise Risk Management EMEA
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Eng Teck Tan
Senior Portfolio Manager
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Michael Steiner
Director Business Development German Speaking Europe
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Lorraine Ong
Marketing Director
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Satoshi Suto
Chief Operating Officer, Head of Finance and Strategic Planning
Carl Baldwin
Head of Compliance EMEA
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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