NIRAS International Consulting

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NIRAS International Development Consulting is one of Europe's largest development consulting firms. We employ +300 permanent staff and have a pool of +25,000 experts in our network. We run projects across the globe and have 51 offices in 32 countries. Our local presence is key to our success as we are committed to building long-term partnerships and capabilities where we work. More than 80% of our in-house staff hold MSc or PhD degrees related to our core areas of expertise. Our main offices in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Poland, Serbia and United Kingdom are closely linked through joint project management tools and information management systems, ensuring that clients and partners always enjoy the same high quality services. Thanks to our decentralized structure, we ensure that we are always close to our projects. We provide technical assistance and project management for development programmes all over the world. With our in-house expertise and vast network of experts, we provide high quality services covering the entire project cycle from project design to implementation and evaluation. The development consulting services annual turnover is about € 50 million; we have 4 decades of experience in development cooperation with over 220 assignments performed annually. We work all over the world in a wide range of sectors for the major donors. To work with us, join the NIRAS​ pool of experts at For further information, please visit our website ABOUT NIRAS NIRAS International Development Consulting is part of NIRAS Group, an international, multidisciplinary consultancy company with over 2,200 employees. NIRAS Group provides consultancy in a variety of fields such as construction and infrastructure, public utilities, environmental and natural resources, climate change and energy, planning, process industry and development consulting.

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NIRAS International Consulting's headquarter address
Line 1: Soetorvet 5, 4th floor, 1371, Copenhagen, DK-1260, DK
Line 2: 5 Søtorvet
NIRAS International Consulting's industries
management consulting
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ASP.NET Active Campaign AngularJS Bluekai Google Analytics Google Tag Manager JQuery 2.1.1 MailChimp SPF MailJet Microsoft Azure Hosting Mobile Friendly Outlook
People working at NIRAS International Consulting
Marlon M.
Project Manager
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Lisa O'Donoghue-Lindy
Communications Director
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Guzmán Oveja Martínez
NIRAS Belgium Country Director
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Maja Bosnic
Business Development Director/Sector Lead for Governance and Democracy/ Project Director
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Jane Poulsrud Hansen
Team Leader - SIEA Lot 2 - Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Tiffany R.
Director, Recruitment Services and Talent Pool Management
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Dr. Christoph Baumann
Managing Director | NIRAS Suisse
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Leyla Abishova
Long Term Non key Expert Communication & Public Relations
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Liliya Timoshevskaya
Head of the Project Implementation Unit, Procurement Expert
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Jelena Stamenovic
Country Director NIRAS SR d.o.o.
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
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