NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management

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At NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management in Hamburg engineers from around the world learn how to perform management tasks responsibly. Jointly with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) the private NIT has since 1999 provided an English-language study program leading to two fully-fledged master's degrees: one in engineering, the other in technology management. Thirty high potentials, including scholarship holders funded by companies and foundations, complete the course every year. Experienced engineers can also study for the MBA as an in-service degree. NIT also develops customized further education offerings for industrial enterprises. \www.nithh.de

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People working at NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management
Dr. Klemens Kleiminger
Chief Executive Officer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Carolin W.
Lecturer NIT: "Shaping the World of Tomorrow"
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Christian M. Ringle
Advisory Board Member
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Kristin Schreiber
Alumni & Community Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Harm Paulsen
Marketing & Student Recruiting Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Monika Sekara
Teaching Assignment for Legal Aspects of Technology Management
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Sylvia Klass
Program Development Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Shriya Kishore Revankar
Social Media (Marketing) Coordinator
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
philipp glösmann
Lecturer Project Management
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Christian Jung
Lecturer, Module Supervisor
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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