NL Group

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NL Group is a major player on the Russian fashion industry market. The company has been established by an experienced team of industry experts who previously founded another apparel business and made it one of the leaders of the Russian apparel market. We own and manage a portfolio of brands, such as elegant women's clothes "Valkiria"​, women's basic clothing "Senta"​, women's underwear "Sensera"​, 3-12 years old children's clothing "inFUNt"​, 1-3 years old babies'​ clothing "Pixo"​. The company carries out wholesale trade with largest distributors across Russian Federation, the Customs Union and CIS countries. Together with our business partners, including Lenta, Wildberries, Budu Mamoy and others, we successfully carry out clothing Private Label projects.

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NL Group's headquarter address
Line 1: ulitsa Chapaeva 15, 204-206, St Petersburg, St Petersburg City 197101, RU
Line 2: 15 улица Чапаева
NL Group's industries
apparel & fashion
NL Group's technology
Microsoft Office 365 Outlook
People working at NL Group
Daria Kulikova
Project Manager
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Ilya Shabson
Chief Commercial Officer. Independent business adviser
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Nikolay Antipin
Chief Executive Officer
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Irina Poliakova
Investment analyst
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Evgenii Badakh
System Administration Specialist
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Julia Evsevieva
HR Director
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Татьяна Ершкова
Сотрудник офиса
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
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