Nobel Hygiene Pvt. Ltd.

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'Nobel Hygiene is one of the leading disposable hygiene care products manufacturer in the country with an ISO 9001:2015 and CE certification, headquartered in Mumbai. Nobel Hygiene, established in 2000, introduced adult diapers in the Indian market, and over the years has continuously innovated to create world-class hygiene products for adults under the brand name ‘Friends' and has a vast product range of baby care products under the brand name ‘Teddyy'.'​ With a PAN India presence, we are now one of the fastest growing FMCG companies and Friends is a market leader in the adult diaper category. Today, apart from manufacturing it's own brands, Nobel Hygiene also manufactures diapers for private label requirements by various SME's in India, apart from exporting to several nations, namely, Australia, Malaysia, UAE and parts of Africa.

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Nobel Hygiene Pvt. Ltd.'s headquarter address
Line 1: swaroop arcade 4th road opp godfrey philips india ltd andheri (east), mumbai, maharashtra, india
Line 2: Sahar Road
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Hospitals and Health Care
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People working at Nobel Hygiene Pvt. Ltd.
Sandeep Zutshi
Independent Director and Board Member
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Johari Kamal
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Muhammad Umar Patel
Head of Information Technology
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Arzoo Shaikh
Ecommerce Manager
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sunil Thakur
Board Member
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
N K S Naidu
Vice President Operations
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Nikhil Datye
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Ragesh Mehta
Chief Financial Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Vishal Mangaonkar
Head Of Digital Marketing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Vivek Bhatnagar
Vice President Sales & Supply Chain
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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