Norsk Hydro

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Hydro is a leading industrial company that builds businesses and partnerships for a more sustainable future. We develop industries that matter to people and society. Since 1905, Hydro has turned natural resources into valuable products for people and businesses, creating a safe and secure workplace for our 31,000 employees in more than 140 locations and 40 countries. Today, we own and operate various businesses and have investments with a base in sustainable industries. Hydro is through its businesses present in a broad range of market segments for aluminium, energy, metal recycling, renewables and batteries, offering a unique wealth of knowledge and competence. Hydro is committed to leading the way towards a more sustainable future, creating more viable societies by developing natural resources into products and solutions in innovative and efficient ways.

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Norsk Hydro's headquarter address
Line 1: Drammensveien 264, Oslo, Oslo 0283, NO
Line 2: 264 Drammensveien
Norsk Hydro's industries
Norsk Hydro's technology
Aluminium Aluminum Renewable energy
People working at Norsk Hydro
Jason Adams, MSc
Vice President - HSE, Risk, Quality & Extrusion Business System
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Renato Moliterno da Cruz
Procurement Manager
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Paweł Tomaszewski
Purchasing Manager
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Hilde Merete Aasheim
Chief Executive Officer
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Robert Debreceni
Director of Global IT Operations
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Jim Mowen
Region Logistics Manager/Manager Fleet Operations
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Ana Maria Silva
Comprador Sênior
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Torstein Gimnes Are
Chief Information Security Officer
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Ada Svartnes
Head of Group It & Digital Communications, Hydro
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Raphael Costa
Technology Director
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
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