North West Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association

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The Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association for the North West of England and Isle of Man (NW RFCA) is the organisation which facilitates, supports and promotes the Volunteer Reserve Forces of all three Armed Services and the three Cadet organisations in the region. Reservists and Cadet Adult Volunteers choose to serve, giving their time and commitment to their community and our country. They rely on and deserve the support of a network of dedicated organisations staffed by people familiar with their environment who understand the context of their contribution and have their interests at heart. The 13 Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations (RFCAs) provide this point of contact around the United Kingdom, and at a national level through the Council of RFCAs (CRFCA). NW RFCA has a membership of over 150 experienced professional people interested in Defence. These include the commanding officers of Reserve and Cadet units in the region; selected naval, marine, military and air members who are serving or retired reserve and regular personnel; and, representative members from Local Government, Universities, Employers, Employees and the Cadet organisations. Together, the Association Membership of NW RFCA advocates on behalf of reservists, cadet adult volunteers and cadets in the region, ensuring that they continue to thrive with the support of their local communities, employers and schools. NW RFCA is also responsible for the Volunteer Estate, comprising some 270 properties including the Naval Regional Headquarters, 40 Army Reserve Centres and cadet huts belonging to the Army Cadet Force (ACF) and the Air Training Corps (ATC). It is also responsible for Altcar Training Camp at Hightown, north of Liverpool.

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North West Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association's headquarter address
Line 1: alexandra court, 28 alexandra drive, liverpool, merseyside, united kingdom
Line 2: 28 Alexandra Drive
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People working at North West Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association
Geoff Nuzum CMgr FCMI
Head of Engagement
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Chance Wilson
Deputy Chief Executive
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Lottie (Charlotte) O'Brien
Business Manager
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Chris Walton
Employer Engagement Administration Office
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Amy Toal (PG Dip DigM, M IDM)
Head Of Communications
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Carol McGowan
Head of Commercial Operations
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Gary Oakford
Regional Employer Engagement Director
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Deputy Head of Infrastructure
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Jan Cox QVRM
Regional Employer Engagement Director
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Louisa Blakemore
Regional Employer Engagement Director - Cheshire
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
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