Northwell Health

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Northwell Health is a New York-based integrated healthcare system that provides primary and specialty medical care services for patients.

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Northwell Health's headquarter address
Line 1: 2000 Marcus Ave, Lake Success, NY 11042, US
Line 2: 2000 Marcus Avenue
Northwell Health's industries
Hospitals and Health Care
Northwell Health's technology
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People working at Northwell Health
Ramon Soto
Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Howard Gold
Executive Vice President, Chief Managed Care Officer
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Richard Mulry
President & CEO, Northwell Holdings
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Chris Hutchins
VP, Chief Data & Analytics Officer
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Beth Friedmann
Director, Medical Informatics, Wearables, Sensors and Innovation Technologies
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Alyssa Scully, MHA, PMP
Senior Director, Operations
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Ernest D'Ambrose, MBA
Director, Operations, Critical Care Service Line
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Carolyn Doyle, CSP
Chief Executive Officer at FlexStaff & Vice President at Northwell Health
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Sven Gierlinger
Chief Experience Officer
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
Nick Stefanizzi
Chief Executive Officer at Northwell Direct & Vice President at Northwell Health
New Hyde Park, New York, United States
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