Noyavision Pharmaceutical Group

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Noyavision is a privately owned pharmaceutical company, established in 2006, focused on developing, manufacturing and selling pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare products for patients. Noyavision Group provides a suite of pharmaceutical services that help clients transform scientific ideas into new treatments. From clinical studies to regulatory, consulting, and market access, our therapeutic, technical, and functional ability is underpinned by a deep conviction in what we do. Headquartered in Tehran, Iran, we are a specialty pharmaceutical company, improving the health of patients across the world through our high quality and affordable medicines and educating our large community of stakeholders about how we can help them for a healthier life. Active at every stage of the value chain, we are uniquely diversiļ¬ed by geography, product and manufacturing capability, maximizing the value we create for our business and our diverse stakeholders. Our business is generated through products that are either acquired from our partners, co-developed by them, or individually developed by our R&D team. The basic principle in the quality policy of Noyavision is the notion that research and development, production, marketing and sales processes should be based upon internal and international quality standards GMP, GDP, GSP in order to meet customer requirements. To realize this important objective, the company seeks to establish a safe quality management system that is reflected in all aspects of management, research and development, import, production, marketing and sales.

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People working at Noyavision Pharmaceutical Group
Dr. Alireza Pourabbasi
CEO and Chairman of the Board
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Shahrzad Tolouei
Public Relations Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Alireza Zarandi
Planning & Business Support Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mahshid Shojaei
Finance Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Farin Bakhtiari
Sales & Marketing at Noyavision
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mahboobeh Chavoshi
Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer
Zahra Dizaji
Business Development Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Jhinoo Arjmand
Regulatory Expert
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Maryam Rojhan
Sales and Marketing Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mona Ashayeri
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
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