NRB Industrial Bearings Limited

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NRB Industrial Bearings Limited is an Indian manufacturer of bearings for industrial applications. With a growing team of sales and application engineers, an extensive distribution network all over India and a world class manufacturing facility in Shendra, Aurangabad, NRB Industrial Bearings is dedicated to "Moving the Wheels of Industry"​ by working closely with the industry to develop solutions that help manufacturers reduce downtime and increase the life of their machinery. We manufacture different types of ball and roller bearings for the textiles, industrial pumps, electric motors, mining, metals, off-highway, agriculture, switch gear and machine tool applications. We also develop customized solutions for applications. We have a dedicated R&D center where products are designed and then tested to cater to the needs of rapidly changing industrial technologies.

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NRB Industrial Bearings Limited's headquarter address
Line 1: Dhannur, 2nd floor, 15, Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001, IN
Line 2: 15
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People working at NRB Industrial Bearings Limited
Devesh Sahney
Managing Director
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Ajinkya Pawar
Industrial Enggineer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Gulestan Kolah
Chief Financial Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Shivanshu Mishra
Senior Technical Sales Engineer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Santosh Sonale
Heat Treatment Specialist
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Nilesh Wargantiwar
Vice President - Sales & Marketing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Asmita Joshi
Head - Learning and Development
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Atul Dhumne
Purchase Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
asimendra chaudhuri
Director Manufacturing
Ganesh Kshirsagar
stores& logistics
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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