NRG Audit, Accounting and Risk Advisors Inc.

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NRG Audit, Accounting and Risk Advisors Inc. is an independent consultancy firm servicing small to mid size companies for all their llfinancial needs. Our consultants are specialized in the areas of Accounting, bookkeeping, audit, taxation, risk assessments and Management. We strive to provide divergent and incomparable financial services.We put forth your desires and work accordingly to assist you in making wise and conscientious decisions. > Accounting: month end closing, year end closing, Management financial reports, costing analyses, profitability analysis > Bookkeeping: maintaining your day-to-day financial records, ensuring timely and accurate reporting > Internal Audit: Financial, Operational and IT > Taxation: Personal and Commercial > Special engagements: Fraud, Business Processes > Risk Management and Assessments: Setting your risk management methodology, maintain your risk registers, conducting risk assessments > Internal Controls Assessments: including efficiencies, effectiveness and Redundancies > Policies, Procedures and Process documentation. Processes re-engineering ensuring proper internal controls design and effective and efficient operations > Project Management

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NRG Audit, Accounting and Risk Advisors Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 55 village centre pl, mississauga, ontario l4z 1v9, ca
Line 2: 55 Village Centre Pl
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People working at NRG Audit, Accounting and Risk Advisors Inc.
Gus Jashan - CIA, CCSA, CPA (candidate)
CEO, Managing Partner
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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