NRS Healthcare

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NRS Healthcare is committed to improving people's quality of life and independence every day, through the provision of daily living aids and assistive technology equipment. Our products and services help people who are living with long term health conditions, disabilities and special needs to carry out everyday tasks and to retain independence and mobility. We are the UK's leading provider of Integrated Community Equipment Services, working on behalf of the NHS and local authorities to deliver over 1 million items of essential equipment to over 250,000 homes each year. This crucial equipment helps people to live independently at home, and prevents hospital/care home admission and extended hospital stays. We also provide and repair wheelchairs on behalf of the NHS, for approximately 60,000 people in 5 English counties and the whole of Northern Ireland. Our Clinical Services division supports the business with a team of Occupational Therapists and Assistants, and provides Occupational Therapy based services to local authorities. Recent projects have included reviews of double handed care packages and seating assessments. Our Safe+Well Service operates locally in several areas of the UK, and is designed to help people find out what daily living aids could help them, where to try them out locally and where to buy them. We also offer an end-to-end telecare and assistive technology service, providing triage and assessments, installation, servicing and collection of equipment, and monitoring and response. Our clinically led service helps local authorities increase the use of telecare as a solution for supporting independent living, both for self funding service users and when funded by NHS/Council. Our Product Division offers a range of over 3000 daily living aids for purchase by members of the public, care homes, Councils, schools, and hospitals, as well as mobility retailers. Visit www.nrshealthcare.co.uk for easy online ordering. We are proud members of the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) and adhere to their Code of Practice, which is approved by the Trading Standards Institute. For more information on our services, visit www.nrshealthcare.com.

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