NSW Industrial Hemp Association

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A not for profit organisation, working to further the development of the Hemp Industry in NSW Seeking members to be part of a growing dynamic industry Diverse business developments based on Industrial Hemp are being developed throughout Australia in areas of pharmaceutical R&D, agronomy, breeding seed for bast/hurd fibre, building-related products, oil production, cellulose-based plastic development and in the manufacturing/wholesaling/retailing, clothing/textile sectors, available for export. Contact us for product sourcing and high level consulting to investors, cannabis companies and governments on cannabis markets, medicines and production standards.

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NSW Industrial Hemp Association's headquarter address
Line 1: 2 park st, sydney, new south wales 2000, au
Line 2: 2 Park St
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Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Varnish Wix
People working at NSW Industrial Hemp Association
James Vosper
Chief Marketing Offcer
Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia
Michelle Poscoliero
Committee Member
Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia
Sally Maguire
Vice President
Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia
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