NWA - Neurological Wellness Association

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Neurological Wellness Association is a Canada wide (not for profit) membership organization. We provide access to health services that are not paid for by our government. We host an online healing community called 'Which Doctor?' which boasts an array of health service providers from common and developing professions. Any person can view profiles, purchase products, make appointments and even apply for funding using our site. Anyone can be a member of our group. There are paid and free memberships. Any health service that presents a benefit is welcome. Anyone with a serious health condition and a need for financial assistance is eligible for a subsidy. We also have several other great benefits. Such as an excellent corporate cell phone plan and a wholesale health foods store.

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NWA - Neurological Wellness Association's headquarter address
Line 1: vancouver, british columbia v5k 0a1, ca
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health, wellness & fitness
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