Obersee Bilingual School, Switzerland

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Obersee Bilingual School is a German and English school located in Wollerau, Canton Schwyz. Our students are educated in small classes by both native German and English teachers in an innovative, inspirational and international setting, using the newest in technologies and learning techniques. We offer baby care (3months) through to Grade 11. OBS delivers high-quality bilingual education and care for children aged 3 months through to Upper School. At each school level our school is structured to meet the personal, social, emotional, physical and developmental needs of the children entrusted to us. Obersee Bilingual School welcomes both local and international families. Our programme is designed to meet the needs of expatriate parents who want to give their child the chance to integrate into the local community. We are also the choice for local parents who want their children to develop native-level English skills, and for those parents who need all-day schooling and care for their children. Our Mission We recognise the diverse learning patterns of children and offer individualisation of the learning process, while maintaining a broad curriculum. In addition to the core areas of Science, Technology, Economy, Art, Media and Sports, special emphasis is given to languages, creativity and problem solving techniques, environmental and health subjects. By means of innovative teaching methods and individually aligned learning goals, our teachers inspire, mentor, challenge and support students to become successful lifelong learners. OBS awakens curiosity and critical thinking through encouraging students to learn by doing, through exploration and active research, which also promotes a deeper level of understanding. OBS prepares students to become international citizens, emphasizing the importance of social values and skills that are indispensable for successful interaction.

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People working at Obersee Bilingual School, Switzerland
Uwe R. Feuersenger
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Tanja Alvesalo-Roesch
Joint Head of School
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Julian Lehnhardt
Kindergartenlehrperson und Teamleiter
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Susanna Elsener
Head of HR
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Désirée Reichmuth
Head of Operations
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Angela Mitra
Joint Head of School / Head of Education
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Daniel Kritikos
Chief Technology Officer
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Gabriele M.
Head of Roman Languages (French,Latin,Italian)and Cultural Relations
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
Stephanie R.
Group leader and curriculum coordinator
Leena Thakker
Event Manager
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
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