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On the path to progress, you need a powerful ally. Passionate and proactive problem solvers, aligned with your goals. A partner working next to you—in whatever way you need us—building relationships, nurturing trust and flexibility, cultivating collaboration. Someone who cares about your practice. Someone who cares for your patients. From surgical instrumentation and biologics to durable medical equipment, insurance and billing management to patient education and support. We partner with physicians, surgery centers and hospitals along the full continuum of care. So you can focus your time where it matters most: on your patients. PRE-SURGERY We provide high quality pre-surgery products and support, giving you and your patients the confidence and control you need. Through referral-based prescriptions and our cost effective stock and bill program, Obility offers a diverse selection of vendor-neutral lines of orthopedic bracing, mobility aides and cold and vascular therapy devices. INTRA-SURGERY With fully integrative intra-surgery products and support, we offer a new way forward. An approach that helps our clinical partners advance care quality and performance. Reduce readmission risk and recovery times. Empower patients to achieve better outcomes—and bring them one step closer to their goals. It's what's possible with the right partners, and products, by your side. POST-SURGERY We're committed to meeting the unique post-surgery needs of every patient. Our vendor neutral DME approach allows us to provide the best quality product your practice or hospital prefers, and the cost reductions you seek. We offer individualized physician-directed care unique to each patient via our patient services referral program, stock and bill program and DVT prevention program.

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Obility's headquarter address
Line 1: 2502 n. clark st., chicago, il 60614, us
Line 2: 2502 N Clark St
Obility's industries
hospital & health care
Obility's technology
Apache Outlook
People working at Obility
Mark Sorensen
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Bryan Hutchison
Territory Leader
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Tim Davis
Service and Inventory Manager
Mary Orvino
Service Technician
Chicago, Illinois, United States
drew miller
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Amy Clayton
Manager of Operations and Administration
Kelly Dzierzynski
Service tech
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Jongwoo Hahm
You can find 8 people working at Obility on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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