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Okie Dokie Spa Fun
Okie Dokie Spa Fun was built on our founder/CEO's dream to help women own their own businesses and leave their families a legacy. Everything at Okie Dokie centers around our fun, unique, and affordable bath products. We want everyone to experience our magical and whimsical pampering, from head to toe. A place you can feel confident that what you buy for you and your family is good for the body and soul. It's about connecting and creating experiences that will last a lifetime. We offer something for everyone, from pretend makeup, for little girls to handcrafted soaps for adults.
- website: http://www.okiedokiespafun.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/okie-dokie-spa-fun
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Okie Dokie Spa Fun's headquarter address
Line 1:
charlotte, north carolina, united states, 28202
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People working at Okie Dokie Spa Fun
Beth Cool
VP Sales and Marketing
Tana Sitsler
Sales Store Checker
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
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