Olympus Corporation of the Americas

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For more than 100 years at Olympus, Our Purpose has been making people's lives healthier, safer, and more fulfilling. We support cutting-edge medical procedures and scientific discoveries, helping people feel safer and more secure. Our Core Values are reflected in everything we do at Olympus. We approach all of our work with integrity, empathy, agility, a long-term view, and a sense of unity. We're in this together, as employees, collaborators, and a global society.As a leading, global medtech company, our medical technology, therapeutic interventions, and precision manufacturing help healthcare professionals deliver diagnostic, therapeutic, and minimally invasive procedures to improve clinical outcomes and enhance the quality of life for patients. Olympus' portfolio includes endoscopes & video imaging systems, as well as surgical energy devices, system integration solutions, medical services, and a wide range of single-use solutions.Olympus is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with more than 31,000 employees worldwide in nearly 40 countries and regions. Olympus Corporation of the Americas (OCA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus Corporation, is headquartered in Center Valley, PA, USA, and employs more than 5,200 employees throughout locations in North and South America.

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Olympus Corporation of the Americas's headquarter address
Line 1: 3500 Corporate Parkway, Center Valley, Pennsylvania 18034-0610, US
Line 2: 3500 Corporate Parkway
Olympus Corporation of the Americas's industries
medical devices
Olympus Corporation of the Americas's technology
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People working at Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Abigail Hunter-Syed
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Iryna V Dolan
Director, Business Development and M&A
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Ken Daignault
Vice President Single Use Strategy and Development
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Keith Griffis
Executive Director of Marketing, Surgical Endoscopy and Systems Integration
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Paul Orlando
Vice President of External Operations
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Mike Wijas
Vice President of Sales
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Edward Haidar
Product Manager
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Tom Conroy
Senior Manager, Global Talent Acquisition Operational Effectiveness
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Joe Henderson
Area Vice President Enterprise Solutions
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
Tyler Fitzsimmons
Director, R&D Single-Use Endoscopes
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, United States
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