Omron Industrial Automation Europe

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OMRON Corporation is a global leader in the field of automation based on its core technology of "Sensing & Control + Think."​ Established in 1933, OMRON has about 30,000 employees worldwide, working to provide products and services in more than 120 countries and regions. The company's business fields cover a broad spectrum, ranging from industrial automation and electronic components to social infrastructure systems, healthcare, and environmental solutions. In the field of industrial automation, OMRON supports manufacturing innovation by providing advanced automation technology and products, as well as through extensive customer support, in order to help create a better society. For more information, visit OMRON's website: http://www.industrial.omron.eu

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Omron Industrial Automation Europe's headquarter address
Line 1: 67 wegalaan, hoofddorp, noord-holland, netherlands
Line 2: 67 Wegalaan
Omron Industrial Automation Europe's industries
Automation Machinery Manufacturing
Omron Industrial Automation Europe's technology
Apache Eloqua Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Personyze Phusion Passenger Ruby On Rails reCAPTCHA
People working at Omron Industrial Automation Europe
Stuart Coulton
UK&I Marketing Manager
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Mitchel Jacobs
Innovation Manager Machine Automation
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Ronald Nagtegaal
Strategic Purchaser
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Ibrahim Buge
System Integration Manager DACH
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Ralph Boekhout
Head of Information and Communication Technology
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Fernando Colás
Chief Executive Officer
Pim van Wetten
Digital Marketing Manager
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Stephan Pruiksma
Business Development Manager | Innovation manager
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Massimo Porta
General Manager
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
John Herk, van
European Purchasing Manager
Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
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