One Brooklyn Health

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One Brooklyn Health (OBH) is a voluntary 501(c)3 enterprise comprised of The Brookdale Hospital Medical Center, Interfaith Medical Center and Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center. OBH provides inpatient acute care, community-based ambulatory care and long-term care services throughout East & Central Brooklyn. The OBH physician enterprise numbers more than 600 providers in more than 50 specialties, with offices throughout Brooklyn. OBH sponsors training programs is medicine, surgery, orthopedics, dentistry, psychiatry, pediatrics, emergency medicine and podiatry. The system also sponsors fellowships in Hematology & Oncology, Nephrology and Pulmonary Medicine.

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One Brooklyn Health's headquarter address
Line 1: one brookdale plaza, brooklyn, new york 11212, us
Line 2: 1 Brookdale Plz
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People working at One Brooklyn Health
Timothy Graham MBA, FHFMA
Vice President of Revenue Cycle
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Charlotte Neuhaus
Director, Strategic Planning- One Brooklyn Health System | Interfaith Medical Center
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Gerardo Escalera
Director of Program Management
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Ben Gillig
Vice President Physician Enterprise
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Alyeah E. Ramjit, MS, MHA
System Vice President, Medicine
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Dona Green
Senior VP, Strategic Planning & Major Capital Project Management
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Robert Palermo
Carl Kenel-Pierre
Gyn Director
Renee Minutello
Vice President Of Finance Operations
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Len Henke
Emergency Department Nursing Manager
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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