Opie Marketing Group, Inc.

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Opie Marketing offers clients a large-scale, diversified and successful approach to online marketing. As a full service online marketing and search marketing agency, Opie Marketing's key focus lies in connecting customers to our clients' products and services. In addition to our focus as a full service online marketing agency, Opie Marketing operates a network of over 75 high-traffic website properties for select verticals and niche markets, including retail, financial services, and technology. These websites have been optimized to deliver quality results to our clients. We deliver millions of qualified visitors that turn into quality leads and customers for our clients. These proprietary sites create a large consumer demand for our clients' products and services. Opie Marketing was founded in 2003, in Oakville, Ontario, Canada (a suburb of Toronto). The company was named to the PROFIT 100 (a ranking of Canada's fastest-growing companies by PROFIT Magazine) in 2010 (#40) and in 2009 (#7); and the PROFIT HOT 50, which ranks high-growth start-up firms by two-year revenue growth, in 2007 (#21) and 2006 (#9).

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Opie Marketing Group, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 5063 north service road ste 201, burlington, ontario, ca, l7l 5h6
Line 2: 5063 N Service Rd
Opie Marketing Group, Inc.'s industries
marketing & advertising
Opie Marketing Group, Inc.'s technology
Cloudflare DNS Gmail Google Apps CloudFlare Hosting SharpSpring AWeber Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly
People working at Opie Marketing Group, Inc.
Jamie Opalchuk 🇺🇦
Founder & CEO
Abdul Q.
VP of Marketing
Lindsey Winterboer-Topp
Office Manager
Laura Swindall
Marketing Coordinator
Jack Pethybridge
Property Manager
Greg Wise
Web Designer
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