Orbit Boy

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Orbit Boy is an on-demand microsatellite air launch system that can be flown wherever it's needed to pick up and integrate the customer's payload, then launch it from a local airport in 24 hours.

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Orbit Boy's headquarter address
Line 1: 219 kensington high street, office. 4, london, england w8 6bd, gb
Line 2: 219 Kensington High Street
Orbit Boy's industries
aviation & aerospace
Orbit Boy's technology
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People working at Orbit Boy
Volodymyr Usov
Kensington, England, United Kingdom
Robert Slonje
Chief Executive Officer
Kensington, England, United Kingdom
Thomas Young
Investment Director
Kensington, England, United Kingdom
Lyubomyr Sabadosh
Chief Technology Officer
Kensington, England, United Kingdom
Elena Voitova
Chief People Officer
Kensington, England, United Kingdom
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