Our Best Life Companies

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We are a Dental Service Organization allowing clinicians a path beyond practice. With a focus on culture and a strong social media presence, we take the extra work out of running a dental practice. Founded by a team dedicated to providing top tier dental services to our communities. Our Best Life Companies employs diverse talent and expertise, from marketing to recruitment with the goal of creating the best dental experience for all. With our help, clinicians have time to do what they do best: practice dentistry. We help clinicians grow their practices and take their businesses to the next level.

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Our Best Life Companies's headquarter address
Line 1: los angeles, california, united states
Our Best Life Companies's industries
hospital & health care
Our Best Life Companies's technology
Google Cloud Hosting Google Maps Google Maps (Non Paid Users) Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Nginx WordPress.org YouTube
People working at Our Best Life Companies
Timothy Vandecar
Chief Financial Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Ashley Jimenez
Marketing Director
Los Angeles, California, United States
Marina Hurn
Chief Executive Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Carlos Bermudes
Regional Business Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Tiffany Tapia
Office Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Wanda Perez
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
Los Angeles, California, United States
Karla Andrade
Regional Business Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Claudia Martinez
Regional Business Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Margaret Johnson
Dental Call Center Specialist
Los Angeles, California, United States
faviola silva
Regional Billing Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
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