Outdoor Tycoon (voorheen Bemontex BV)

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Outdoor Tycoon is our family business for over 50 years. The 3rd generation has taken over the company. We create innovating and inspiring Outdoor & sport apparel. Introducing the zip off trouser into the European market, late 1980's, is our greatest achievement so far. Our vision is to make the world a better place. Our team is a group of Master minders that inspire and motivate each other, to realize more then the expected results. We build product for outdoor activities, that inspire and motivate you, to become the best version of yourself. Our proces is sustainable, durable & in line with social compliance. On a daily base we improve every proces that helps us making the world a better place. Our brand, Life-Line...Is launched in the eighties and introduced the world famous zip-off pants. We develop functional and comfortable products designed for Outdoor lovers. The product motivates you to be inspired outside. To experience outdoor apparel in a sportive look. Get outside, relax, be active, have fun! Life-Line, we care about you. If you want to build the brand with us, we invite you to take a look at our pdf Catalog.Your private label specialist..Our team cooperates in successfully developing and implementing new private label collections. We enjoy working intensively and creatively with you on the success of your products and brand. We first build the concept and then the products. Your products and brand are in our expert hands considering our many years of experience.Our services..Everything starts with a dream, an outcome. We help you build your dream into a concept. A plan. We can build the concept, propose the right direction and build the product. To assure you make the right decisions, we offer our help. We coach, inspire, motivate. We develop the dream, we produce the product. We service every step. For more info, contact us so we can start, make your dream come true!We build together, together we can make the world a better place!

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Outdoor Tycoon (voorheen Bemontex BV)'s headquarter address
Line 1: morsebaan 2, nieuwegein, utrecht 3439na, nl
Line 2: 2 Morsebaan
Outdoor Tycoon (voorheen Bemontex BV)'s industries
Retail Apparel and Fashion
Outdoor Tycoon (voorheen Bemontex BV)'s technology
Im- and Export of Textiles Clothing Textiles Outdoor Hiking Life-Line Marketing Sports Privat label Concept & Styling Apparel Inspiration Coaching Brand builder Production Asia Import Mindset Yoga Sales Advise Adventure
People working at Outdoor Tycoon (voorheen Bemontex BV)
s.vanbeek van beek
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
van Beek Peter
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
Tianjin office manager
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
Guenther Grote
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
Nick Elbertsen
Sales Manager and Export Manager
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
Mathieu de Meijer
E-commerce Manager
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