Oxfam India

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Oxfam India is a movement of people working to end discrimination and create a free and just society. We work to ensure that Adivasis, Dalits, Muslims, and women and girls have safe-violence free lives with freedom to speak their mind, equal opportunities to realize their rights, and a discrimination free future. We research to find lasting solutions to end rising inequalities and exclusion of marginalized communities from getting decent jobs, quality free education and healthcare. We campaign with the public to demand policy changes from governments for creating a just and inclusive country as envisioned in the Indian Constitution. We mobilize support to save, protect and rebuild lives of the poorest of poor affected by crisis and humanitarian disasters. By putting the rights of marginalized at the heart of everything we do, we work to create a discrimination free India where everyone lives a life of dignity, free from injustice and inequality. Over the last year, we have changed the lives of over one million people in our six focus states*. We are also part of the Oxfam global confederation with affiliates in 20 countries fighting together build a better world. Join us as we fight discrimination today, to end it for good: http://www.indiawithoutdiscrimination.com (*Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh)

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Oxfam India's headquarter address
Line 1: shriram bharatiya kala kendra, 4th and 5th floor, 1, copernicus marg, new delhi, delhi 110001, indien
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People working at Oxfam India
Amit Thakur
Digital Marketing & Fund Raising
Delhi, India
Jayshree Rohatgi
Consultant, Humanitarian Funding & Grants Management Coordinator
Delhi, India
Nizhat Jahan (She/Her/Hers)
Procurement Officer
Delhi, India
Aanchal Jain
Western Regional Partner
Delhi, India
Anu Avasthi
Manager - HR and Administration
Delhi, India
Andrio Naskar
Manager-National Humanitarian Hub
Delhi, India
Satya Prakash Mishra
Director - Operations
Pradip Bera
Supply Chain Manager
Delhi, India
Amrita S.
Head of Individual Fundraising
Delhi, India
Karn Kohli
Head - Brand communications & Digital marketing
Delhi, India
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