Oxford Urbanists

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The Oxford Urbanists are a community of students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to the pursuit of ideas and policies for sustainable urban and infrastructure development. We aim to change the way academics and policymakers approach these complex challenges by serving as a model of interdisciplinary analysis and unprecedented collaboration. What we do ❖ Facilitate solutions-oriented discussions and community-building events. ❖ Run a publication series, ranging from policy briefs to creative journalistic pieces. ❖ Connect globally dispersed expertise and experience.

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Line 1: university of oxford, oxford, oxfordshire ox2 6hg, gb
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People working at Oxford Urbanists
Tracy Jin Cui
Vice President, Policy and Strategy
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Max Nathanson
Founder, CEO
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Gustavo Sbardelotto
Projects & Partnerships Advisor Volunteer
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Kate Field
Oceania Coordinator
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Juan Sebastián Benítez Bustamante
Latinamerica Coordinator
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Paul Boettcher
Specialist on European urban governance and politics [pro bono]
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Richard Conway
Editorial Board
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Bruna Gimba
Latin America Coordinator
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Carol Guerra
Regional Coordinator for Latin America
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Yasmina Yusuf
Sub-Saharan Africa Coordinator
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
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