P.A.W.S. Forward Foundation (Pets And Wounded Soldiers)

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Veterans and Support Animals Veteran homelessness and at-risk homelessness is an unacceptable reality that we face. Many of these veterans survive because of the service animals and pets that give them comfort without judgment. At times, a veteran can barely take care of themselves, much less their animals. The reality is that a veteran will take care of their pets before themselves. Pets and Wounded Soldiers (P.A.W.S.) Forward Foundation has the mission of ending veteran suicide by assisting veterans of the U.S. military to provide for themselves and the working or emotional support animals assigned to them in an effort to reduce and eliminate the financial, environmental, and mental stressors that lead to homelessness and suicide. This is accomplished through 4 major programs: Veterans Food Assistance Provides groceries for the veteran with a referral for additional food support. This program depends on monetary donations. K9/Feline Food Assistance Provides food service or support animal of the veteran for one month. This program is provided through generous public donations. Veterinary Service Grants A VSG provides the veteran with the ability to provide basic medical care for their pet for a year. This grant provides the following: 1. Comprehensive Physical Examination 2. Comprehensive Blood Panel 3. Comprehensive Spay/Neuter Procedure 4. Complete annual dental procedures to include extractions, cleaning, and pain management, as needed. 5 Complete set of core and non-core vaccines, as needed. 6. Free veterinary exams during the grant period 7. Discounted pricing for services outside of the grant scope. * Assistance may be available to pay for additional services depending on current funding. Veteran Referral Services Connects veteran with wrap-around services to include benefits, housing, food, financial planning and mental health services.

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Michael Campbell
Executive Director
Lancaster, California, United States
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